
The True Nature of Alcohol

If a child asked you “What is alcohol?”, you’d probably come up with answers like “beer”, “wine” or “whisky”. But those aren’t alcohol. Those are just disguises that alcohol wears to make itself attractive.

In reality, alcohol is the common name for ethanol or ethyl alcohol. If you think that sounds like another name for fuel, you’re absolutely right. In fact, ethanol has emerged as an alternative fuel in these times of climate change. The ugly truth is that alcohol is a poisonous substance. If you were to drink pure alcohol, you would die. Ever over-indulge on a night out and find yourself hugging the toilet at 2 a.m.? That’s your body trying to expel poison. Crazy, right?

Beer and wine contain minimal amounts of alcohol, and you’re essentially drinking flavouring meant to disguise the unappealing taste of a toxic liquid. That’s why cocktails are so popular! I bet the first time you tried beer/wine/whiskey you thought it was disgusting. I know I did! “You’ll get used to it,” the adults said with a knowing smile. And unfortunately, I did.

The worst part is we seem to know the true nature of alcohol on an unconscious level. How often have we heard a wry “What’s your poison?” in movies or on TV?

So, the next time you think longingly of a glass of Chardonnay, remember what’s really lurking inside: a poisonous, addictive chemical. In a pretty package!